People want to dispose their old and sometimes new toys either because their children have excess of them or the children are all grown up and they need space for new things.

The mentioned category will either sell them to thrift shops in Nigeria or advertise them online thrift shops in Nigeria. The less fortunate children will be at an advantage here because the then expensive toys have now become cheap and accessible to the low income families.
The teens have not also been left behind and there are fairly used games available to them. Here is why kids and teens are finding thrift shopping in Nigeria very fun.our blog like a boss!

The Items Come Cheap
Now the children will not have to make toys out of mud or used bottles anymore. For a kid to ride a toy car he had to go an extra mile, look for bottle tops, some sticks and a bottle. Then the kid would combine the tools and make a toy car to ride around using a string.
This was all for the reason that the toys don’t come cheap and the parents cannot afford new toys. The new shopping style has cut the price of the toys and games by more than half making them more accessible to children. They can get them from any thrift shops in Abuja or consignment stores in Lagos.

It Is a Form of Spending Time with Friends
Forget above the prices and toys. The new shopping style of going to Nigerian thrift stores is a cool way for kids and teenager to go and hangout. Going into a thrift store for toys in Abuja or Lagos is a very good way of meeting with friends, having fun choosing the toys and games and of course if one goes out empty handed there is no problem because there is a next time. If you have no work to do at home or a meeting point for friends then a thrift shop could be an excellent choice making this shopping style a mega teenage friendly activity.
It Is a Unique Mission
There is a category of people who dispose their toys because their children have excess of them and these toys will not only be in a good condition but will also be of a high quality. With such an idea in your head then going to a thrift shop will mean you are trying your luck to see if your will find such items at the cheap price it is being offered. In the process you may also find something that will be worth your money even at that cheap price. Thrift shopping in Nigeria is clearly very exciting for teenagers and kids if you are looking for nothing in particular.

Disposing excess and used toys is clearly as very positive step for teenagers and kids in Nigeria. With the hard economy, less fortunate families will not afford such luxuries for their children and depriving a child of their rights to play is not a great step. Thrift stores have become the best thing that ever happened to the kids of less fortunate families.