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We build using Autoclaved aerated concrete and Aircrete building system. Available in Africa aerated autoclaved concrete production line in Nigeria-using CONCRETE PRODUCTION RATE NIGERIA AUTOCLAVE AERATED

Our mission is to bulid effectively for Christ.

Acts 6:7 and Luke 1:37



Major concrete production rate in Lagos, Nigeria autoclave aerated concrete production line or concrete production prices available on request.  This is our official introduction to Aircrete in Africa- Nigeria.


You can build anything out of this stuff. The only limit to its application is your imagination. It is pest proof. It is fireproof. It is earthquake-proof. It is tornado and hurricane proof.  And interesting Lee enough and one thing of Great Value is it will be surveillance proof buy thermal imaging. 

You can build a home with it. You can build a Spring House. You can build a tornado shelter. You can build a root cellar. 
you can build an observation post out in the woods that looks like a big rock. You can build a cache place out in the woods that is Fireproof thermal proof pest proof waterproof Etc You can do it yourself and you can do this as a business to build homes for other people. 

And what we see is that anybody that wants to do it as a business could build 10 homes and make money doing that and on their tenth home- tithe a home to homeless family, refugees, and widows, orphans, strangers as commanded by Jesus Christ.

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Comparison of autoclaved and non-autoclaved aerated concrete. What to choose?

Comparison of autoclaved and non-autoclaved aerated concrete. What to choose?

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What is Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC or Aircrete)?

What is Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC or Aircrete)?

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Hebel AAC Fire Resistance. Hebel is the solution for buildings

Hebel AAC Fire Resistance. Hebel is the solution for buildings

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For any inquiries or questions, fill out the form. To speak with a representative please call: +234-703-188-2527.


We want to hear from you.

Our mission is to build effectively for Christ.

Acts 6:7 and Luke 1:37

Head Office

Ogudu Road, Ogudu GRA

Lagos,Nigeria. West Africa

Tel: +234-703-188-2527

South Africa: +27-787-573-297

Get a quote: +234-703-188-2527

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© 2018 by Aircrete Africa- Aerated Concrete Nigeria

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