Aircrete Africa3 days ago3 min readUncovering the Untapped Potential of Aerated Autoclaved Concrete in Nigeria: A New Era in Construction!The construction industry is experiencing exciting changes worldwide, and Nigeria is no exception. As the country faces increasing...
Aircrete AfricaFeb 16, 20182 min readWhat Is Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC)?What is Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC)? Also known as Aircrete , the Autoclaved Aerated Concrete ( AAC ) is an eco-friendly building...
Aircrete AfricaJan 27, 20182 min readAircrete Domes: Safe, Easy, Creative and Economical Building of Homes, Offices, Schools, ShopsAircrete or AAC is a foam concrete building material that can be shaped at will and is not only very resistant in time but also...
Aircrete AfricaJan 27, 20184 min readAutoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC): Will Africa Ever Lighten Up In Building?Lighter, more fire-resistant, and a better insulator, autoclaved aerated concrete caught on in the rest of the world ages ago. It's...
Aircrete AfricaJan 27, 20184 min readAircrete Wall Tile Is A Collection Of Nesting Sculptural Tiles Cast For Eco-Friendly Building. Natural building materials, the mix creates an aerated tile providing insulation, structure and fire protection in one lightweight...
Aircrete AfricaJan 27, 20184 min readUnique Manufacturing and Building With AAC Is Unlike Most Other Concrete.Manufacturing Unlike most other concrete applications, AAC is produced using no aggregate larger than sand. Quartz sand, calcined gypsum,...